
Mom Garden

Accommodation reservation

Please choose according to your timing and purpose.

Immediately after discharge from hospital - those under 4 months old

Full Support Recovery Plan

1 month old and up
Under 4 months old

Half Support Refresh Plan

4 months and older
Children under 1 year old

Enjoy Resort Plan


At Mom Garden, we offer Recovery Plans, Refresh Plans, and Resort Plans.

1. Full support recovery plan
-People who wish to stay with their baby under 4 months old immediately after being discharged from the hospital-

Full Support Recovery Plan
  • Full support recovery plan for infants immediately after discharge from hospital until 4 months of age [minimum stay: 10 days]
    [Available reservations: Anytime after the issuance of the maternal and child health handbook]
  • A support plan that can help you recover physically and eliminate all your worries about childcare
  • You can recover your body and mind through sleep and rest. You can recover your body and mind and relieve the worries of childcare by receiving breastfeeding support, bathing instruction, learning childcare techniques in mom's classes, relaxing at the spa, or going out.

To book a full support recovery session, please use LINE

2. Half Support Refresh Plan
-For those who wish to stay with their baby between 1 month and 4 months of age-

Half Support Refresh Plan
  • Half Support Refresh Plan for babies 1 month to 4 months old [minimum stay: 2 days]
    [Available reservation dates]
    [If overnight care is available]
    5 nights or more: Book via official LINE: Reservations can be made up to 4 months in advance
    2-4 nights: Book from the reservation page: Reservations can be made up to 2 months in advance (without overnight care)
    Reservations can be made from the reservation page: Reservations can be made within 30 days
  • Immediately after giving birth, your body is in a state of physical and mental damage that takes two months to fully heal.
  • During the first half of your stay, you will actively leave your baby in the baby room, where he will recover both physically and mentally through sleep and rest. During the second half of your stay, you will learn childcare techniques through bathing instruction and a mom's class.

Click here to book the Half Support Refresh Plan

*For reservations of 5 nights or more, please apply via our official LINE account.

3. Enjoy Resort Plan
-For those who wish to stay with a child between 4 months and 1 year old-

Enjoy Resort Plan
  • For children aged 4 months to 1 year, the Enjoy Resort Plan is available [minimum stay: 2 days]
    [Reservation possible date: within one month]
  • It's also a great way to make wonderful memories with your baby on your first trip. Enjoy sightseeing in Yokosuka, Kamakura, and Hayama.
  • Childcare services are also available (for a fee).

Click here to make a reservation for the Enjoy Resort Plan